Physical self-care habits to form NOW!

If you want a healthy, strong body, you must care for it. Here are 4 habits to form now.


Are you getting enough sleep?  You should be getting 7+ hours of sleep every night. If you're not, get into this habit as it can greatly improve your health.


Are you eating three meals per day and healthy snacks in between?  Making healthier choices is a form of self-care. You can do it!


How many times per week do you move your body?  You should get at least 15 minutes of exercise per day. Exercise relieves stress, fatigue and can prevent heart disease.  So what are you waiting for?


Form some wellness habits like... -take vitamins -go outside  -floss daily -practice skincare -read a book and put away the tech

Self-Care is Essential

Practicing physical self-care is not selfish, it's essential. When you form these self-care habits, you will feel better and your body will thank you.