Winter Reset: How to refresh your home

After the holidays, things can begin to look a little bare. And feel less cozy. Here are some ideas to help refresh your space.

Start with pillows and throws.  Light and airy neutrals brighten up spaces, especially during the cold Winter months. 

Pillows & Throws 

Accent chairs are always a fun and inexpensive way to revamp your space a little. Go for a bold color or print, something that pops against your decor. 

Accent Chairs

Add gold (or black, silver;etc) accents with lighting.  Or simply brighten up your space! 


Time to change out your rugs? Now is a perfect time. Opt for light neutral colors for a clean, airy vibe. 


The right wall art can boost your mood. Opt for light, cheery colors. Happy art, happy heart! 

Wall Art