On a Target run the other day, I picked up a planner and instantly put it back down. It was the strangest reaction. Perhaps even traumatic. Who knows what 2021 will bring. But then I thought to myself, ok no new fancy planner and no resolutions. Instead, a self-care plan. With yourself, that is. Here’s a list I put together of 7 new habits to form in 2021.
*Note: there are affiliate links in this post. While I don’t make much off of these links but I do appreciate you using them. Creatives got to eat, right?
7 New Habits to Form in 2021

Stay on track– Ok hear me out. I know i just shared that I didn’t buy a fancy new planner BUT a simple one will do. I picked one up a few months ago for about $12 (because 2020…) and it’s been great to keep me on track. Doctor appointments, projects, bills, reminders and more. And there’s a notepad section in the back where I could write little positive messages, thoughts, ideas, feelings- anything. So while a $100 planner may not be the best idea for this coming year, grab the cheaper one and keep your life on track (as best as you can anyway).

Skin Care rituals– Mascne is real y’all. At first I didn’t think so until I spent a long time wearing one and noticed a blemish…or two. Yikes! A skin care routine is a great habit to have. I love CBD face masks and skincare and recently tried out Mantra Mask products (which celebs like Dove Cameron swear by) and really loved them. Super hydrating, healing, plumping and just make your skin feel great. In case you want to give them a try, here’s a link.
A simple beauty routine– Before you tell me you’re just home and don’t need makeup, I get it. But hear me out- just because you’re home doesn’t mean you should let go of yourself. Do it for you. Start with your skin care (see above recommendations) and enhance your natural beauty. I use a BB cream which is very light and natural and adds a little glow. I also use a little mascara and nude plumping lipgloss. It also helps to get dressed- even if its yoga pants and a hoodie. Staying in pjs will not boost your mood, trust me.
Recommendations: Laura Mercier Tinted Moisturizer with SPF , Charlotte Tilbury Pillow Talk Push Up mascara , Maybelline Lifter Gloss (Stone is my fav).

Light a candle– I usually have my morning tea at my desk. And one of my rituals is lighting a candle and making a (realistic) to-do list for the day. There’s something soothing about having a candle (with good aroma) nearby.
Recommendations: Capri Blue , Voluspa , DIPTYQUE , Ginger Lemon tea
Workout– Getting some daily exercise into your schedule will not only boost your energy and metabolism but your immunity, too. I find that I sleep better and all around feel better when working out- even if only 15 minutes per day. So working out is a habit I want to develop this year. DAILY. Not sporadically…
To kick off the new year, I’ll be trying the 2021 challenge (21 day tone) with Blogilates. And to get me into the mood, I had to buy the recently launched Ultimate Fit Kit (and some cute grip socks!).
Recommendations: Blogilates Ultimate Fit Kit , Blogilates Grip Socks

Cancel out the noise– Everyone is home. And while that’s a nice thing it can also be chaotic. Everyone calls me multiple times throughout the day. The puppy has developed a barking habit if anyone leaves the room. It can get loud at home. So noise cancelling headphones have been a godsend. My mind is often so busy and loud so I play classical music as I work. I know, strange but it helps me out. Sometimes I switch up to opera or Paramore, Lindsey Stirling- just bold tunes that amp me up.
Recommendations: Best headphones I bought during quarantine here!

Healthy Eating– Ok no more excuses! The holidays are over so no more cheating. One habit everyone should develop is healthy eating. Take baby steps, start small by following a food pyramid. Get enough grains, veggies, fruit and protein into your diet. And don’t forget the H20- at least 8 glasses per day.
Recommendations: So Delicious Non-Dairy Yogurt , Apple Cider Vinegar , VeganSmart shake
Breathe– It’s crazy we we tend to forget the littlest things sometimes. Take breathing, for instance. We can get so occupied that we forget to breathe. And what do you think happens when you don’t breathe? Stress builds up, tension and all that not-so-good stuff.