It’s no secret, brows are a big deal these days. But if you’re like most women, you probably plucked so much off (in your teens) that you have little to work with and have no idea to achieve that full brow look. Maybe you’re even considering getting some brows tattooed on at this point! Not to worry, I may just have a solution for you.

Beverly Hills Method is a natural high quality product that carries eyelash and eye brow enhancers. The company sent me the eyeliner and brow liner to try out and review. In this post, I will share my true and honest opinions about these products.

The products I am reviewing are the two pictured below. Liquid Eyeliner with Lash Enhancer and Liquid Brow Liner with Enhancer. The products also come in a clear version for nighttime use. The two I am using are tinted and for daytime use replacing your regular eyeliner and brow pencil.

What I love about these products is that they are made from all natural ingredients. They have also been clinically tested and are proven to have the ability to produce appearance of longer, thicker and fuller lashes and eyebrows. Beverly Hills Method trials revealed a 47% increase in the appearance of volume after 4 weeks. You also do not need a prescription.

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The first time I applied the brow liner, I admit it was a lot different than my pencil. I found it dried quickly so I had to work quickly. For example, lightly feather, brush with spoolie for a natural look. It took me a few tries to get the hang of it but once I did, I really loved it!

After a few days of use on my brows, I immediately noticed some growth. I usually have to draw in a section of my brows and each day I saw a difference.

The eyeliner goes on smooth and is easy to work with. It also dries quickly so it doesn’t smudge.

After using these products for a week, I found that they do not clump, smudge, or flake and they last all day.

Here’s a close up of both products applied. I did a double winged eye using the eyeliner.


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Here’s a close up from a different day. Is it me or do my lashes and brows look slightly fuller?

Beverly Hills Method After

Here’s a farther look using the brow and eye liner.



Have you tried these products out? I’d love to know your experience. Comment below!

UPDATE: I have received many emails regarding this product. I do not sell it. I also searched online to get you a link and cannot find anything. I am not sure the products are sold anymore.
For brow and lash growth, I have also used the product below. Hope that helps 🙂