Sequins + Gold= one glam get-up! Today’s look is all about that. As we transition into Fall, out come the fun pieces to play! This fall, we will see lots of velvet, patterns, sequins, metallics, and more. And what fashionista doesn’t already have some of these in her collection? I know I sure do! So, you can imagine I am always excited to bring them out to play.
First, I’ll tell you about my sequin blazer. So, I love thrifting as in furniture or hunting for antiques. One day, I was “hunting” with my daughter and thought aloud- “I’d love to find a sequin blazer.” Lo and behold! We turned around and there it was. New with an old tag and size small. It was as if the thrift shop heard my wish and made it come true- or maybe it was the universe, who knows! And it was only $10. Either way, that was a happy day for me.
That day, I took it home, washed it by hand, steamed it, and added it to my collection of unique pieces. It’s just one of those pieces I know I will hold onto for a very long time. And don’t be fooled by all of the fancy sequins, you can dress this beauty up or down. Here, I added a simple white tank, ripped jeans and metallic pumps. Add a choker for some edge. And of course, some great shades 😉
Chokers and metallic shoes are also a hot trend this fall. There’s no set way to wear them- have fun and mix them up. Beside, that’s what fashion is all about- having fun!
About this look:
Sunnies: Versace similar
Choker: Ebay
Sequin Blazer: Vintage similar
Jeans: Old Navy
Gold Heels: Marc Fisher

“Lose your dreams and you might lose your mind.”
~Mick Jagger

Location: Detour Gallery in Red Bank, NJ