We live such busy lives. From working, juggling relationships, caring for children, home and running the world. Some days can be so frustrating and exhausting.
For me, running this blog site, a small business, family, and taking care of myself can sometimes be a challenge. Such a challenge that at times I question myself about what I am doing, why I am doing it, and why I choose to live such a busy lifestyle. Buy then I think of parting with certain projects and I just can’t. Why? Because everything I have created has been with passion and frankly, I love what I do.

Burnout is real
So this week I had a lot of ups and downs and I had those “overwhelmed” feelings. Some may call this “burnout.” And this happens when you’re just on the go with no pause. Everyone needs a break. With talks from good friendssupport from loved ones and … pie, I began to recover.
Yes pie. Like Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones in the Men in Black movies. You know when they hit up the diner and have pie. I remembered it when my husband asked, what would like to do?
And I replied..
“Let’s go have some pie.”
As we had our pie and coffee in a deserted Perkins restaurant, my mind went somewhere else. It was just us and pie. Damn good pie. And nothing else.
That pause button was much needed and my husband knew it.
Later that night, I checked my messages to see my creative director informed me that our traffic was increasing. When I checked the mailbox, I opened a package to find our new Jerseyfashionista buttons. All exciting stuff.
You see, life can sometimes be overwhelming and sometimes we can definitely be handed lemons but we can’t let these things eat us alive because someone up there is watching and testing us to prepare us for bigger things.
Hard work does pay off, bad days don’t last forever and pie tastes great!
As the modern women we are today, these feelings are normal and almost inevitable in life. Next time you’re feeling overwhelmed, go ahead, have some pie. You deserve it. Remember you are fabulous and oh so deserving of a pause.