*This is a sponsored post. All opinions are my own.
If there’s one thing I’ve always felt a little self-conscious about, it’s my smile. I wore braces as a teen but I never got a bottom retainer which caused my teeth to shift back to being crowded. While these aren’t drastic flaws, it still bothers me when doing on-camera work. That’s why I’m so excited to share my smile makeover with MOD Mouth!
MOD Mouth Aligners
I’m sure you’ve heard about clear aligners, an alternative to braces that straighten your teeth. It’s always been a very expensive option, one that most people cannot afford. Just this year, my daughter had to get braces. A whopping $6,000 plus the removal of four teeth. So naturally, my smile had been put on hold. As parents, we always put our children’s needs first.
When I found out about MOD Mouth and how affordable they are I couldn’t believe it! The company was created by professional dentists who wanted to help people transform their smiles without having to go to the dentist office. MOD Mouth’s Brilliant bar offers teeth straightening and whitening services. And at affordable prices. Straighten your teeth for as low as $75 per month and keep them white with a $25 monthly subscription. How cool is that?!
My Smile Makeover with MOD Mouth
Now, onto my smile makeover. I’m going to share my experience so far and follow up in a future post (and on Insta stories). Read on for the deets…
The first step I took was getting an assessment. This determines whether or not a person is a good candidate for Mod Mouth aligners. I was quite surprised at the process. I thought maybe I would need to have messy dental impressions done but nope, no mess at all. It took less than ten minutes to do the assessment. The dentist scanned my teeth which provides an accurate picture of them. He asked me some dental health questions and then talked to me about the aligners and how they would help straighten my teeth. I was so excited to find out that I was a good candidate!
Next, the dentist took some pictures of my smile and explained that I would get the aligners in the mail (you can also pick up) within a few weeks. In the package, there were clear instructions on how to use them. Inside the box, aligners for 34 weeks were included (this is how long I need to wear them). The box also contains two carry cases, tools to help remove the aligners (when you need to eat) and the retainers.

I’ve been wearing my clear aligners for over three weeks now. I don’t see a big difference yet, I think this is more of a training phase where the teeth are being gently shifted. They are comfortable and light, easy to wear. At first, I found it challenging to take off the aligners but then I got used to it. It also takes getting used to when you need to eat and drink. The aligners are helpful when it comes to dental health. For example, I find myself brushing and flossing more often after meals. The carry case is small enough to fit into your purse which makes it convenient to keep it with you at all times.
Follow my smile journey with MOD Mouth on Instagram! Simply tap on my highlight story tab labeled MOD Mouth.
“You’re never fully dressed without a smile.” ~Annie 1982
By the way… I have a treat for you guys! If you want to try MOD Mouth aligners for yourself, simply use the code MMA21 for $50 off 🙂